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  • Interest is exactly "African-Amerioan culture"
“It’s important that we support black business because it strengthens the
black community and helps to create jobs. It’s also empowering to show your

solidarity in coming together to uplift your community,” - Dana Hill, a founder
and CEO of…
When your mom sends you to shoot a hair tutorial so she can have a few
minutes of peace. When your mom sends you to shoot a hair tutorial so she
can ha...
To all Black youth, to all young Black girls and ladies, to the Black gentlemen
and to the Black boys, to all Black people, let's never underrate the power of
our Queens, every single one of them, from new born babies to their mothers
and young…
The truth hurts, but we must face it.
It's a sad fact, but the most of Black men regard women of other race
romantic and beautiful.

Believe me you, Black men, we got the most beautiful, romantic and attractive
females under the sun.

Value 3 Black…
Join the event, bring your friends, feel safe with us!
Don't miss the opportunity to train with our coach! You will enjoy it for sure.

It's free! Organized on a donation basis. Join the event, bring your friends,
feel safe with us!

Don't miss the…
When you leave your baby girl alone with her father, that‘s what happens.
When you leave your baby girl alone with her father, that‘s wh...
Join the event, bring your friends, feel safe with us!
Don't miss the opportunity to train with our coach! You will enjoy it for sure.
It's free! Organized on a donation basis. Join the event, bring your friends,
feel safe with us!
Don't miss the…
Join the event, bring your friends, feel safe with us!
Don't miss the opportunity to train with our coach! You will enjoy it for sure.
It's free! Organized on a donation basis. Join the event, bring your friends,
feel safe with us!
Don't miss the…
Our deepest condolences to the victims and families in Manchester. We also
wish people dedicate their sadness and thoughts to Syria, Flint, Bangkok or
any other country which suffered from attacks and where the government
cares only about money, not…
Just a reminder;
Never forget that the black panthers group was only formed to protect Black
people from the kkk, who used to kill Black people like animals. ??

However, the Black Panthers was dismantled by the US govt, but the kkk still
